We created a group of women in which the common denominator is speaking only English.
For some members it is the only language they speak, others either learned English abroad living there for a while or they learned it here and want to practice.
Besides, this group creates a friendly forum for open conversation such as “What is going on in my life right now” or a discussion struck up by a chapter or a paragraph of the book we read.
Being a part of the group gives you a chance to meet women from different cultures, it is a place where you may find support if you need.
We are exploring our womanhood by reading books dedicated to women, that are unique in addressing women’s issues and empowering us deeply.
We are planning to start 2024 by reading the book “ Letters to My Daughter” by Maya Angelou and some chapters from “The Heroin’s Journey” by Maureen Murdock. Our group meets monthly, on a second Tuesday of each month at 7 PM @kinozarogiem Café Rzeszow. If you are ready to sign, please contact Ola at 606 498 363. You are most welcome to join the group, however, keep in mind the space is limited, therefore, please book it in advance.
Let's meet there either in higheels or flats:)